“Tarot” unfolds as a series of seven omniverse horror episodes delving into mysterious events that could be part of anyone’s everyday life, all centered around the theme of tarot cards. The plot kicks off as the main characters each receive different tarot cards, and in that moment, find their destinies cursed by the twisted tarot cards. (Source: Soompi) Edit Translation
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Cast & Credits
- Cho Yeo Jung{Santa's Visit} Ji U (Ep. 1)Main Role
- Kim Sung Tae{Couple Manager} Min Chan (Ep. 2)Main Role
- Ham Eun Jung{Couple Manager} Eun Mi (Ep. 2)Main Role
- DEX{Abandon Me} Dong In (Ep. 3)Main Role
- Park Ha Sun{Rent Mom} [Yeong Ji's mother] (Ep. 4)Main Role
- Ko Kyu Pil{Late Night Taxi} Gyeong Rae (Ep. 5)Main Role
This kdrama is not worth your time
This kdrama would’ve been perfect if they just explained the reason on why these people are suffering.. and there are so many unexplained scenes and I literally can’t understand. Especially the way in episode 2 they did not get a tarot card.. and why was there unnecessary inappropriate scenes like they could’ve just portrayed the “cheating” without showing any nudity. The only things I like about this drama was how good the acting was..literally the best. Also the plot twists were insane. Dex episode literally was funny and he slayed the role, the child actors were really good too. I hope they make another season to explain everything because if they did I would give this kdrama 10/10.Was this review helpful to you?
totally worth it
This series is really good i liked dex acting a lot he has a good future. I agree some scenes are disturbing but nothless its a definite watch.Dont mind the down botes at all some people are downvoting without even watching it.
Thought it started a bit slow and the outcome as expectable the later episode were good and i was soo involved watching it.
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