70 people found this review helpful
Jul 21, 2024
Completed 7
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
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3 Gerberas, 2 Funerals and A Match Made In Heaven

***DISCLAIMER: This is just my opinion. We don’t have to agree and I’m not here to argue with anyone. This review contains spoilers so I suggest watching the film first before reading.***

「 ❝An untimely frost upon the sweetest flower of all❞ 」

I just finished watching this, and I must stress that it is not for the faint of heart. If you are super sensitive still want to watch, I recommend bringing a box of tissues because you will probably cry. If you liked 20th Century Girl, you will definitely appreciate this.

General Overview:

Drawing Closer is an astoundingly beautiful film that had a great influence on me, with both its narrative and visual brilliance. From the first scene to the end credits, the film immerses the audience in a universe where every frame is precisely produced, with each shot a monument to the director's vision and the cinematographer's talent. The emotionally charged tale delves into the complex complexities of human relationships, capturing moments of joy, sadness, love, and loss with a raw honesty rarely seen in film. The characters are well developed, their journeys realistic and moving so much so that the story elicits a wide spectrum of emotions that remain with you long after the film has concluded. The performances are outstanding, with each actor adding a distinct and compelling presence to their role, heightening the film's emotional impact. The eerie and evocative musical composition perfectly compliments the storyline, increasing the emotional experience while adding levels of meaning to the plot. "Drawing Closer" is more than a film; it's an experience, a work of art that speaks to the heart and soul, leaving an unforgettable impression on anyone who sees it.

In More Detail:

The plot revolves around two terminally ill teenagers who come into each other’s life.

What to expect:

- Characters dealing with grief/death and how to overcome the inevitable.
- Two artists and how their passion of drawing / painting and seeing the world in different colors binds them together.
- Friendship and familial ties.
- Longing / yearning and first love.
- Secrets and misunderstandings (with good reason)
- A heartfelt, coming-of-age plot

The performance was convincing and well-done. Haruna has a fate she cannot escape, yet I really admire her positive view on life. Akito was a really endearing character. He was so charmingly sweet and soft boy coded. His hopeless romantic side really shined through. I adored how he wanted to make the most of his limited time by assisting Haruna in having a happy and fulfilling life while she still had hers. It's also great that they seemed to have saved each other. She was Snow White and he was her Prince Florian (iykyk)

I would rate this an 8/10 rounded up to an 8.5/10. It was so good it made me cry multiple times (after the 5th time, I stopped counting lol) The emotional side is undeniable, but I wish our leads had more moments together, including the kiss Haruna requested. I think I am being greedy but that would have definitely ended me. I have to say, this is a very pure and sweet story. It's simultaneously heartbreaking and heartwarming.

I loved it and I now have a much deeper appreciation for Gerberas and their symbolism.

I believe anyone of any age can watch this; I highly recommend it, especially if you want a good cry.

I don't think I'd rewatch it "right now," but maybe after some time has passed. I believe Drawing Closer is one of those films you save for when you want to feel something. It's a movie you can watch on a rainy day to let you reflect on the beauty of life.

With that being said, this is a tragic story, and it may not be for everyone, so proceed with caution.

As always,
Thanks for reading & happy watching!

(P.S. If you are in withdrawal please go watch edits of the Drawing Closer couple, you won't regret it)


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50 people found this review helpful
Jun 27, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

A bittersweet journey but worth it.

This is solely my opinion and it's not necessary that you should agree with this.
"Drawing Closer" is about two 17 year olds who could relate to each other. They both are ill and not much time is left for them in this world. They also share the same interest.

I've been looking forward to this movie ever since Netflix released the teaser and it did not let me down. Also this is my 2nd time watching a Japanese show. I'm a sucker for melo movies or dramas so I could enjoy this to the end. This movie was literally heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. It really touched my heart and I'm sure it will touch yours too if you're watching this.

Story: I liked how there were no unnecessary stuff. The characters were nice and cute. No one was annoying and I loved how Haruna's friend and Akito were bickering all the time. I also liked the ending. It was bittersweet but still I loved how it was done that way and in most shows this isn't the case. It had emotional depth. I liked how it was unique in some way. Also those flowers 😭 Everybody got the spotlight and the leads were so cute.

Acting: Acting was good and I have no complaints. I did not feel any lack of chemistry or anything like that. Its my first time seeing these actors and I'm gonna watch some of their projects soon.

OST: Haven't heard it yet so I'll hear it when I'm free and then write a review on that.

Even if it was a 2 hour movie I enjoyed it till the end. The cinematography and production were remarkable and it did not feel rushed or anything. I also have no problem with the direction too. The background OSTs made this ven more painful. I recommend you watch this if you like heartbreaking/melo stuff. I usually don't cry watching fiction but this one was different. This made me sad but my heart is warm after this. . . It's a rare gem that evoked genuine emotions. This movie will always hold a special place in my heart. Anyway that's it. With that, I'm giving this movie a 9.0.

Thank you for reading! Have a great time watching if you are.

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36 people found this review helpful
21 days ago
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

✮⋆˙ 余命一年の僕が、余命半年の君と出会った話 ✮⋆˙

Drawing closer this movie is about Hasayaka Akito who is a very talented artist, he is working hard to be accepted for the Nika Exhibition, but a tumor is discovered in his heart, and he is told that he has one year left to live. One day he meets a girl at the same hospital he is diagnosed who has the same deseace as him her name is Sakurai Haruna who is also a painter and draws the people she misses the most around her. Everyday Akito visited Haruna with 5-6 Gerberas he gets attached to her everyday more and more and falls in love. 6 Gerberas mean he loves her already.
I haven't seen any movie this year but this one brought me to tears, both Haruna and Akito are amazing actors and its so worth watching this movie ♥ ♥ ♥

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30 people found this review helpful
Jul 3, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
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A heartbreaking and beautiful story.

The film is about two 17-year-old boys, the girl only has 6 months to live and the boy only one year to live.

It is a strange story to see, it usually happens that only one of the two characters is sick and dies. But in this case they were both in the same situation, only one had longer to live than the other.

The two really had no desire to live, and at first they surrendered to their destiny, but thanks to they met they both learned to want to live.

Although neither of them said it implicitly, through the meaning of the flowers they already knew that they loved each other.

There are no unnecessary dramas or anything like that, you just see how they try to spend as much time together. And when Haruna dies, Akito tries to make the most of his remaining time for Haruna.

I'm not a person who cries easily but this movie made me cry. Maybe it's because I'm going through something familiar. And I don't know if I'll make it to my 30s.

The important thing about this movie is that although life can be cruel and you don't even know why you have to experience things like that, when we are supposed to have a whole life ahead of us, it makes us appreciate every moment we live as if it were our last. Not to give up even though we already know the result. Just enjoy the company of a loved one, a friend or your family. Those are the moments you should cherish, even if they are small and other people think they are insignificant.

It really is a gem, I cried a lot but I'm glad I saw it.

The performances are impeccable and although the cinematography focuses more than anything on the hospital, the production made the hospital look like the characters saw it. A beautiful place, with many meaningful moments.

I didn't listen to the OST much. When I have more time I will listen to it calmly but from the little I was able to hear I liked it a lot.

You will cry, that's for sure, but you will take away a great life lesson.

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20 people found this review helpful
Jul 4, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Beautiful & Emotional

A beautifully crafted movie with a story with messages which would turn viewer into some what a better person.

Thank you all the crew involved for making such a great piece of art!!💖

Here are some special things I loved about the movie :)

Cinematography and color grading is remarkable.. Some shots were like pictures drawn on a canvas, gave goosebumps. Massive respect for colorists and dop's.

Acting, script and editing was on point. Struck the emotions in the perfect manner and the movie went it a very great flow.

The background scores too went along really well!!

And yeah, a great script, great acting, beautiful cinematography, beautiful background scoring.. thats a good movie to watch right there!!

The chemistry between Hayasaka and Haruna was so sweet and the way they conveyed their feelings in the end, it was a lot to make a grown man cry :') The ending was also nicely done. The direction and narration of the film is excellent. The acting done by the actors is also so perfect like they really got into their characters and performed very well.

LEARNED: This movie shows exactly how well the character development goes along the way. It may start of a bit slow at the beginning but towards half of the movie, it makes the audience feel touching between the two main characters. Even though they don't express much about their feelings towards each other. The relationship between them feels so natural and genuine through their actions and the way they treated each other so well. Please prepare tissue because I really mean it. What I learned from this movie is to always appreciate peoples around you and cherish each and every moment with your loved ones while you are still able to.

But it's not just about sadness, it really makes you think about love in a whole new way. It shows you how complicated and messy relationships can be, but also how strong and beautiful they can be too.

The characters are so real, you feel like you know them personally. They go through so much, but you just want to root for them the whole time. It's one of those movies that just sticks with you, even after it's over.

You really get a sense that the director understands people, and they made a movie that's both beautiful to watch and emotionally powerful. The actors are amazing, they really bring the characters to life. I can't recommend this movie enough, it's a must-see!

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Hik the first
11 people found this review helpful
Jul 5, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
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Heartfelt, heartbreaking movie that felt like it lacked something

Truth be told I have been anticipating the release of this movie for months as I'm a huge fan of nagase ren. I already read the synopsis so I also knew the movie was going to be heartbreaking so I prepared myself going in since it was evident I was in for a tearjerker.

This movie was initially marketed as a romance so I was expecting a tragic romance movie similar in nature to "your lie in April" or "I want to eat your pancreas" and it was but I felt like it left something to be desired. I wasn't fully satisfied with the portrayal of the romantic relationship of the two leads of this movie.

Even though they had spectacular chemistry and they are both amazing actors in their own right that both fulfilled the roles they were given in this movie to the best of their ability I felt like the movie was holding back on progressing them romantically by quite a bit. there was little to no romantic progression and a very vague confession towards the end that got the message across but I wanted something more direct.

The leads barely got involved romantically and even while the FL, Haruna, was alive she described their relationship as being "best friends" which kinda irked me because they were clearly romantically interested in each other yet they never confessed.

I feel like the "sad" part of the movie would have been further exemplified if they portrayed them more as a couple instead of best friends when this is very clearly a romance movie and the ending furthers this claim that their relationship can't really be described as platonic despite it being portrayed as such.

And so the entire movie I was waiting for that one special moment that would signify that yes..they are in love but it never came except the vague confession at the end when she had already passed away and that led to the movie feeling rather bland.

On the contrary, my main gripe with the movie aside everything else was pretty cool. I liked the sound design. The main OST is spectacular and a certified banger. The character development is superb and you really get to see the ML, Akito, really grow as a person in a realistic manner and the story itself progressed nicely and didn't feel rushed or slow, the pacing was just perfect for a movie of this nature.

Also like I mentioned before the acting was really good. I can't say I have ever seen a drama from the FL before but I am aware she's in "ao Haru ride" and after watching this movie and witnessing her performance I feel more inclined in watching more dramas/movies from her. As for nagase ren I was already a fan and I'm even m ore so now. I like how he can create such a great chemistry with his female costars and really make you root for him.

All in all, this was a pretty decent movie and I recommend you check it out for yourself as well to form your own opinion you might even like it more than me.

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8 people found this review helpful
Jul 20, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0

the reason why I won’t watch it again is cause it is too beautiful and sad for me to bear

okay okay I’ll stop crying and write a proper review let’s start with the plot. The plot as you might have guess sad and beautiful. A love story between a girl who has 6months to live and a boy who has 1yr to live. A girl who looks forward to dying and a boy who is scared of dying. A girl who has no attachment to this world and a boy who gave her a reason. Their are movies similar to it but in those the boy is always in good health. so it was a unique take and I liked this more cause in this case I believe he will understand her better and feel her pain better.

The acting? absolutely fantastic. No I am not saying this cause I couldn’t stop crying… maybe I am but anyways the acting vibarated through the screen for me and as I don’t know anything about the actors I have no bias… perhaps their is one now but that’s a separate matter. It was deep and soulful the way they acted. When they were sick I could feel they were sick the way they spoke, the way their eyes showed deep love and sorrow… the actors have a bright future ahead. Not just the ML and FL but the supporting cast as well.

The songs? Beautiful of course. The painting? heart reanching and beautiful. My heart? Broken and dead.


P.S. After this if I ever see a Gemera I will freaking cry my eyes out. How am I supposed to live violen breaks my heart, now Gemera these directors must always put something particular… Okay Okay I am not crying anymore

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26 people found this review helpful
Jun 27, 2024
Completed 1
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5

A heartfelt but heartbreaking story

I currently just finished this movie and I must say it was absolutely beautiful the cinematography, acting, just everything. For myself personally I’m not much of a crier but this movie brought me to tears. It didn’t go the way I thought I did it, but my goodness it was so bittersweet it was perfect. I would do recommend this movie to anyone watch it with friends,family maybe even a loved one. Don’t be like me and watch it alone 🥲

most note worthy things
-The main characters

Maybe watch with some tissues near as well!
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11 people found this review helpful
Jun 27, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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If you need an outlet to cry, this is the one

A good sad movie is one that made me cry really hard and this is one of them. From the get-go, I already knew the two leads are highly going to die but even with this knowledge, I am still not mentally prepared for all the emotional scenes. Those really hit very hard especially when it’s about coming to terms to one’s demise which personally once thought I was going too. The movie has also had many warm moments that melts my hard. I really like how the leads find strength from one another to continue living. How I wish I can find one too… Even though the movie is 2hrs, I never thought there was any wasted moments which Japanese movies tend to veer towards too. All the performers acted brilliantly and the music really supports well with the scenes. I would totally watch this again if I want to cry.

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4 people found this review helpful
Jul 12, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
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Absolutely broke me- Love with a time limit

The script is so beautifully written. I don't think I can find the words to describe the heartbreak I felt.
Some part of me kept hoping to the very end that they wouldn't die, even after he got the surgery I kept praying that he would live longer, but this movie really made me face reality.
I have to give it to the actors, their talent and hard work made the whole experience so much more realistic. You could see the depth of their realities in their eyes, considering the fact that their reality is death. They did an amazing job portraying the sadness, desperation, willpower, and their fight for their lives.
The story itself is beautiful and I find a sense of beauty in this sadness. Regardless of how distraught I felt from the pure sadness this movie presented to me, I would rewatch it. This is also mainly due to the cinematography. It held the most weight in setting the scene and everything fell into place accordingly. Everything just felt right. Also amidst the very depressing loss of our leads lives, the cinematography proved to provide a sense of comfort because that is also exactly what the producers were trying to do (I believe). They were trying to show us viewers the beauty there is in finding solace in people even when we see the end of the road. It also showed how precious life really is and what truly matters when we live on this earth.
There is so much more I feel I could say with all the symbolism and pure emotions we were presented with.

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8 people found this review helpful
Jul 4, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

You're in for a ride of emotions.

Drawing Closer:

It was a bittersweet movie with a tinge of happiness and hope. The Last Painting of Akito symbolizes his next life and longing to meet Haruna again.

Part of me want him to see gets cured and ends up with Ayaka and have a family of her just like Haruna wanted. This was the ending I wanted since I hoped that gets cured and have a family
But, they'll see each other again in Heaven and in next life.

It was very good movie and great ending. I really hope they do end up in their next life.

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2 people found this review helpful
Aug 6, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 4.5

Sweet, heartwrenching story

Went in knowing it was a sad movie but wow I did not expect it to be such a tearjerker.

The story is unbelievably portrayed phenomenally, and whilst it isn’t complex, it really plays with your emotions. The cinematography and ost added a lot to the movie and made it even emotional.

Ren Nagase and Natsuki Deguchi played their roles so well that I can heavily feel the emotions they portrayed.

While there is a lot to be wanted from their story, I think the movie did a fantastic job as is. They were each other’s hero’s.

There is more focus on their emotions rather than the typical visual romance and I really love that.

I definitely have more appreciation for flowers as sentimental gifts - especially for gerberas after watching this movie.

The ending is one of my favorite aspects and favorite side character.

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