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This drama was made with a lot of care, from directing to acting, and does it’s job of painting a realistic, heartfelt picture of mentally disabled people and how they can live life to the fullest. Lots of troubles, sometimes exaggerated for dramatic purpose yet the approach to solving them were believable and educational for a lot of us, who are considered somewhat “normal” and more accepted by society. Easy to act condescending towards someone with disabilities but failure to see how they are not so perfect themselves when it comes to getting job done. Yuzu, the mc , had trouble more because she couldn’t accept her disability and felt frustrated. With immense patience and , nurturing, her family, friends she made, coworkers and specially her daughter, made her believe in herself and actually improved her life. We also get glimses of other characters lives which have their own share of trouble, but everyone is pushing through hard and won’t give up. It is an old drama so I do hope there are better help and counseling available from the government side, who shouldn’t only come in to criticize and disrupt the progress without actually giving any kind of help. Was this review helpful to you?