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On October 16, 2018, the DramaFever site suddenly shut down for business reasons. There were no warnings. No chances for subscribers and fans to binge watch their dramas. So what were those business reasons? Why did Warner Media shut down a popular Asian streaming channel? Did DramaFever do anything wrong? Did DramaFever make promises they could not keep? I do not have any answers, but I do have theories.
I was a DramaFever subscriber from 2011 to 2017. As I looked back at my years with DramaFever, these are my guesses of what business decisions shut the door of DramaFever.
Business Decision 1: Adding dramas from South America
rather than the Philippines
Apparently, DramaFever must have done some research that claims more Spanish-speaking people watch DramaFever. I don't understand why they did not add Filipino dramas to their list. Most subscribers join DramaFever to watch Asian dramas.
Business Decision 2: DramaFever Forum
DramaFever tried to start a forum, but it did not last long. I suggested that they get advice from other forums including mydramalist.com. The forum idea was a flop.
Business Decision 3: Adding the Bachelor reality show
When I saw that Bachelor was on DramaFever, I was in complete shock. Who actually sat down in that business room and thought to themselves Asian drama addicts will binge watch the Bachelor?
Remember these are my speculations. My guesses might be RIGHT OR WRONG but, everyone has an opinion.
But there is some hope for DF subscribers.
"We'd like to take this time to extend our thanks and gratitude to you, our loyal subscribers. We'll be issuing refunds as applicable, and subscribers will receive an email from us with details in the coming days." (from DramaFever Page)
What does this mean? It means DramaFever might return under a new name. What made DramaFever unique was that they had access to dramas from Korean network: OCN, tvN, and jTBC. One of my K drama addict friends told me that's why she subscribed to DramaFever. With that information, I can say with confidence that there is a strong possibility that the new streaming channel. But I wonder what will the new name be???
I HAVE MORE GOOD NEWS OR BAD NEWS FOR YOU. This depends on how you feel about the name DramaFever. The name DramaFever might be used for WB digital channels.
Check it out for yourself. Go to the WB Digital Labs. Click on the Contact US. Scroll down to the bottom and Click on the GET IN TOUCH Box.
That e-mail address has a familiar name. Where have I seen the name before?
This is what I believed will happen.
The Warner Brothers Digital Lab (soon to be called DramaFever) will gather all their streaming drama channels on one mega-channel. The new mega-channel DramaFever will have dramas and movies from the original DramaFever, defunct FilmStruck, and other channels.
Hopefully, the new mega-channel DramaFever will follow Netflix plan. Netflix has no commercials. It limits its subscribers to 2 or 4 screens depending on the subscription fee. Netflix also has a DVD plan.
So don't worry DramaFever fans, the movies and dramas will return. Just be patient with Warner Brothers.