Hey everyone! I've been trying to remember the name of this anime: please help! It's about a little boy who's mother has been turned in to a statue. I think he has powers and there is an evil villain who turns everyone in to statues too. I think its an 80's anime aswell. Thanks!!
could you know if It was a film or a serie? and what had it for Genre?
tried looking it up but couldt find anything :( dont watch enough 80s.
I asked around and somebody mentioned Pygmalio. Is that the one?
Oh my god. That is totally it!! I don't how thank you enough!!!!!! Thanksssssss. My childhood memories saved :d
otakusk wrote: Oh my god. That is totally it!! I don't how thank you enough!!!!!! Thanksssssss. My childhood memories saved :d

YAY! I'm glad we were able to help. ^^
otakusk wrote: Oh my god. That is totally it!! I don't how thank you enough!!!!!! Thanksssssss. My childhood memories saved :d

YAY! I'm glad we were able to help. ^^