I LOVE love lOvE, the show Love Me if You Dare/他来了,请闭眼, its the perfect amount of drama, thriller, and romance all bundled together. the actors are great, theres some comedy and heart wrenching moments sprinkled in there, but not so much that its unrealistic. any recommendations?? im only looking for Chinese or Taiwanese shows for right now, i typically like rom-coms too but they cant have a lot of drama or TOO too much romance. the realistic ones are best, and i have very little interest in the historical ones, but i realize my standards are a bit high already so... as long as its chinese/taiwanese, there's no melodrama or plot dragging on, please let me know your favorite recommendation!!

I can only recommend The Disguiser, it is kinda historical though since it sets in 1930ish, but at least in this era they're already kinda modern and it does have some action and suspense and drama
I would recommend Black & White, it's my favorite tw drama. It has action, mystery and comedy. There is a bit of romance but it's lacking and it's not the center of the story since it's more about two male leads. It's more bromance than romance. Story is good you can't predict what would happen later in the drama since there are many unexpected turns. Not sure about the realistic part since there are many secrets that probably won’t happen in real life.
Agree with the recommendations made so far - The Disguiser and Black & White - are both amazing dramas. For rom-coms, I would recommend the following: 
When I See You Again
Pleasantly Surprised (this one has probably 1/2 episode of melodrama - but really minimal on the Taiwanese drama scale :))

There's also Bromance which has a mystery element - it's still showing 15/20 episodes - so far, no drama.