Hello,  I am looking for a drama and thank you in advance for any help.
Is about a villain and naughty grandmother who takes her little grandaughter to an orphanage and makes people believe she is dead because her shaman worried her future. she is only interested in her grandson (she gives him a talisman which he throws away because he doesn't like her attitude). one day she came at hospital with his son (father of the girl) and meets her grandaughter who has become an adult  and she is worried because the father seems to like her. the mother runs a pharmacy. the father, the sister, the mother all believe that she is dead but have a strange feeling with that girl. she just kept a teddy bear,  in the scene in a car when she is abandoned by the grandmother. Anyway, I searched but couldn't find it...

thank s for all


So a lady has a son who has a daughter. The daughter (her grand child) is left abandoned at an orphanage by the grandmother. Fast forward and the child is now an adult and the three meet again at a hospital. Grandmother is worried since her son and daughter-in-law have a connection to this person, not realizing it is the child they  believe to be dead. The one clue that this now adult is their daughter is that she kept the teddy bear she was abandoned with.

Is the shaman worried about the grandmother's future or the girl's future?

Thanks for your help. I try to piece together the fuzzy memories. the grandmother has a position of power like CEO. she often asks her shaman for advice. this one told her something about her granddaughter, so she decides to get rid of her in an orphanage by scaring her and making the parents believe that she is dead. the grandmother is only interested in her grandson as an heir but he does not love her. I think he remembers hearing what happened. back to the present, the grandaughter has a friend (orphanage and teddy bear) ,I no longer remember the interaction, but the grandmother goes to the hospital with her son (nice and docile) and meets the granddaughter. the father feels something but the old woman is afraid that her bad action will be discovered. all these people cross paths typical of the drama. the shaman blames herself  when she sees the grandmother's wickedness. So a man offers his help to the old woman. I don't remember the ending... I tried to search with actor's photos, genres... 

i managed to list a large part of all the drama/movie I watched but I'm stuck on a few of them.

Thank you!

I was looking for mostly Kdrama and maybe I should more search on Chinese....