So I was sitting here in my living room watching a Chinese drama on my computer, simultaneously the first Lord of the rings movie started on the television...

So how do you think China would do in making of a LOTR adaptation? 

 They do have a history of spectacular cinematography, as well as some powerful CGI if done tastefully... 

Also who would play the parts...

It was just an interesting thought... 

So I just dropped it here :P 



So I was sitting here in my living room watching a Chinese drama on my computer, simultaneously the first Lord of the rings movie started on the television...

So how do you think China would do in making of a LOTR adaptation? 

 They do have a history of spectacular cinematography, as well as some powerful CGI if done tastefully... 

Also who would play the parts...

It was just an interesting thought... 

So I just dropped it here :P 

Seriously, anyone attempting to make an adaptation without  the approval of Tolkien Enterprise will get sue by them.  As a matter  fact, they had sued New Line Cinema, the makers of LOTR films for  USD20,000,000  just because they think New Line short-charged them  profits from the film.

On  a different arc, China has hired Barrie Osborne, one of the producer of the LOTR film trilogy to act as production consultant for their USD460,000,000 Fengshen Trilogy -  hopefully we will get to see the first film in 2020.

Oh wow, I was just wondering about the artistically and astetically, like not really that they would re-make it. Of course they would have to get permissions and so to actually make it. 

But  for me this post was just a thought - experiment nothing more, as far as I know China is not going to be making a remake anyways :p 

Thanks for posting tho