Well, we now know the attack on the prince was from the episode when she was mourning JingHe's "death," so nothing to do with any possibility of her death.
I'm looking at the trailer with the two Mei Lin deaths again. One was him lying with her in bed in trad. marriage gowns. The second was her against his shoulders after he took her out of the gown. I think the red gown one happens first and his "suicide" was interrupted. The second one MIGHT BE the sad ending one. Just speculating, of course.
There is a trailer scene, Luo Mei on a stretcher, dressed in armor and wounded, and the crown prince receives her at this moment.
As for JH and ML (I think all these moments where Mei Lin appears unconscious, I think it will be like in the book, it's all apparent, but not in fact ((she in the book, spends a whole year, in a coma). In the drama, it may be that JH does not know this and all scenes involve the same "apparent" fact of death.
PS: And we have the last scene shot by LXY and WJY (on the balcony like in the book, enjoying the flowers). I have hopes for a happy ending.