done adding chinese titles and person, sry it took a while!

link 1, link 2, link 3, person

xxmai Volunteer Staff

done adding chinese titles and person, sry it took a while!

link 1, link 2, link 3, person

Great job. Thank you. (:

Row 5 of #008 JP
 Moero!! Robocon | Yuki | Dog-Food | Masayoshi Otsuka

I can take the last row if no one else wants.

xxmai Volunteer Staff

Row 5 of #008 JP
 Moero!! Robocon | Yuki | Dog-Food | Masayoshi Otsuka

I can take the last row if no one else wants.

Thank you, and go ahead. No one applied for that last row. (:

Hi Mai, Project 007, completed on my end. Here are the MDL links of the titles:

Link 1 (pre-existing link), Link 2, Link 3 and Person.

xxmai Volunteer Staff
 Lady Ajumma:

Hi Mai, Project 007, completed on my end. Here are the MDL links of the titles:

Link 1 (pre-existing link), Link 2, Link 3 and Person.

Thank you. ^^

Project 007. Adding Titles: KR + CH

Completed :)

Link 1Link 2Person
xxmai Volunteer Staff

Great work, thank you. (:

#008 Adding Titles: JP(last row)
Akouroushi (1999) | Shizukana Ayashii Gogo ni | Shura no Mon | Seishi Noma 

Will add the sequels of Shura no mon and Kuragari Gorufa asap.

Project 002 - Track 2020 trailers

-> South Korea, TV shows, spot 4 (Pg. 19-24) - Completed.

I can do the last spot for South Korea, TV shows (Pg. 24-29). But it seems like some shows were added, the number of pages have changed. So I can also do page 30.

Project 007. Adding Titles: KR + CH

Status: Completed

Link1 | Link2 | Link3 | Person

Thankyou so much Mai...I wouldn't have completed without your help

Project 002. Track 2020 trailers

-> Thai movies complete

Project 003 - Thailand Link 1

  1. Snake (not listed, link not found)

  2. The Moonhunter (listed unter “Sodemacom Killer) ✅

  3. Who ✅

  4. Homatagia ✅

  5. Thibaan x BNK48 ✅

  6. Classic Again ✅

  7. Low Season ✅

  8. Pee Nak 2 ✅

  9. The Message ✅

  10.  Day for Night (not listed, link not found)

  11.  Dr. Birdman (not listed, link not found)

  12.  Krabi, 2562 ✅

  13.  Pre2ent Still Perfect ✅

  14.  Pojamarn, The Legacy ✅

  15.  Morning Glory Love Story (listed under “Morning Glory”) ✅

  16.  Check-In Shock ✅

  17.  Love Season (not listed, link not found)

  18.  Very Happy (not listed, link not found)

  19.  Love You Soup (not listed, link not found)

  20.  Nemesis (date is listed wrong) ✅

  21.  Mother Gamer ✅

  22.  Love You Kok E-Keng (listed under “Love U Kohk-E-Kueng) ✅

  23.  My God!! Father ✅

  24.  The Ghoul: Horror at the Howling Field ✅

  25.  Do You Love Me (listed under “Rak Noo Mai”) ✅

  26.  The Snake (not listed, link not found)

  27.  Forget Me Not (not listed, link not found)

  28.  100 Times Reproduction of Democracy (not listed, link not found)

  29.  My Rhythm ✅

  30.  Waning Moon ✅

  31.  Riam: Fighting Angel (listed under “E-Riam Sing”) ✅

  32.  Hey Guys (not listed, link not found)

  33.  The Con-Heartist ✅

  34.  Sida: The Legend of Love Coffin (listed under “Seeda”) ✅

  35.  The Caved Life (not listed, link not found)

  36.  School Town King (not listed, link not found)

  37.  Won (She) - (listed under “Please (Her)”) ✅

Hi :)

Could I volunteer for the last spot under South Korea TV Shows?