.. .... and LET IT LIVE RENT FREE in our Minds <3

Who doesn't LOVE and hope the tale has a HE (Happy Ending) .. 

WE Romance Addicts start a DRAMA with the HOPE of a HE .. 

BUT how we surprise ourselves SO OFTEN by willingly sticking a nail in out hearts .. weep our eyes out .. turn blue in the face .. BUT couldn't imagine a more APT ending ..

How many of us have returned for a second helping of that heartbreak .. OR HAVEN'T because we were left fully SHREDDED to bits.

How about a list of those ;-p

Am I being HUGELY masochistic ??
But Cummon "LOVE STORY"???  WOULD anyone have it any other way??

(SO in that spirit of "hats off" to unconventional endings that BLEW US AWAY).

I'll put down these  to begin my list :

~ Mr Sunshine 

~ It Happened in Bali

~ 21-25

~ Age of Innocence

~ Empress Ki

~ The Red Sleeves

Yep Uncontrollably Fond, TTEOM, it happened in Bali

Definitely lapped them up greedily. 


Check out V.I.P.


Check out V.I.P.

Adding more :


- FATES and FURIES (even the lump began to dissolve at the end scene .. it was still HEAVY - VERY)

- FLOWER OF EVIL (it wasn't straightforward .. it left that same Lump - but in the process of dissolving)

- THE INNOCENT MAN (same .. scarring was there that started to heal)

- RECORD of YOUTH (LUMP .. it held the promise of a dissolve .. and one makes a fanfic in the head LOL)

Cain and Abel

you are my Glory

Scarlet Heaet (Korean version)

Love Rain as well - the kids - not the parents

Goblin - although a bit of a happy/open ending, it still ripped my heart out. I have never bawled so hard watching a drama before.