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The drama is kinda funny, yes it's not regular drama, there are some curse too and adult topic too. But I'm kinda struck by Yoo Jung's beauty and Chang Wook's funniness

Me too actually....so far it seems like a light hearted comedy which is not meant to be taken seriously.

Yes it does have some controversial scenes is probably meant for a more mature audience. But I like that it challenges some of the stereotypes. Also there is such a bold heroine, clearly the alpha in this show. The hero is comfortable being a beta and that's something new for me atleast.

Overall I am liking it and looking forward for more episodes.

I don't get it why it's considered controversial. It's light and funny.  

I'm looking forward to more episodes.

really loving it so far!!

I dont geta why it is controversial but i find it funny. 

Likin it so far

I can understand being upset with the dreadlocks guy because it's clear they're ripping off the Rastafarian culture and all we know so far is he's lazy and dirty. And that descriptions and representation fits some racist stereotypes.

Other than that I don't have a big problem with anything so far. This was hardly the first unwanted/nonconsensual kiss in a KDrama. She was a student at the time. Kids make mistakes. Adults make mistakes. A quick kiss doesn't seem like the end of the world to me.

I'll definitely keep watching. Hopefully they grow out more of a plot though. The two leads need to get more opportunities because they are some of the most expressive young actors today.

I don't think drama itself is controversial, but some people who are commenting are actually controversial.
And they're offended by literally everything depending on the mood and their own view.
They cannot accept some comedy and other points of view, so they constantly attacking in the name of own "justice". Because of this kind of people, sometimes comments sections becoming a mess and simple spam.

It's fantastic.  The couple has great chemistry and the actors are nailing the comedy in these first two episodes. I hope it maintains the same fun vibe throughout the entire series.

I think the show is really fun so far but, I have to say that some of the scenes are way too exaggerated like when Saet byul was flying through the sky upon first meeting Dae-hyun and in some of the fight scenes.


I don't think drama itself is controversial, but some people who are commenting are actually controversial.
And they're offended by literally everything depending on the mood and their own view.
They cannot accept some comedy and other points of view, so they constantly attacking in the name of own "justice". Because of this kind of people, sometimes comments sections becoming a mess and simple spam.

There are legitimate problems with this drama but these problems have always, always been around. South Korean TV has always been ignorant in how it handles race and consent and other topics. Shows that deal with them appropriately are few and far between. And that's something I've accepted years ago. South Korea is a different culture, a different history, a different language and I watch within that context.

It's fun to point out the hypocrisy in that comment section and watch people get uncomfortable and squirm with the realization that they were fine with racial stereotypes, cultural stereotypes, sexism, sexual harassment and age gaps... until this show.

I'm fine with people dropping a show because they did not like what they saw. I am fine with criticism of the show for how they have handled things. 

But when I see someone try to imply I'm the ignorant one and they are the enlightened one... when I see someone imply users watching the show are bad people and they are not because they see the light... I'll make sure to set the record straight.  Ignorant people in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones at other users.

I'll keep watching. I enjoy the interaction of the leads. I really dislike the webtoon writer character... but I can live with it.

I didn't even realize this show could be seen as controversial until a scene in episode 2. I mean I've seen worse age gaps where people don't say shit (ie: Goblin), I've seen more scandalous stuff in kdramas as well, and frankly none of this compares to the teenage sexualization that we see in westren media. 

What got to me was that scene with the flies buzzing around the Rastafarian guy's head. That was the point I just went like - Oh... Oh no.

I'm still watching the show, the rest of it made me pretty happy. I had a couple of laugh out loud moments and god knows I could use those right now. Will drop if this makes me feel shitty. 

It is not controversial if you just follow the characters and the story without speculating on or interpreting the events based on your own values. I think the drama is funny and entertaining so far. 


It is not controversial if you just follow the characters and the story without speculating on or interpreting the events based on your own values. I think the drama is funny and entertaining so far. 

The way you say 'your own values' sounds like you're talking about religion or philosophy. Like we're talking about whether there is life after death or something that is mysterious and up to speculation. 

Portraying the only character based on a historically and CURRENTLY oppressed race of people as dirty is not personal values. It's plain and simple offensive and has nothing to do with 'values'. I am still watching the show (quite like it so far) but I ask that you please educate yourself before blindly brushing off a very valid reason that people might take offense. 


The way you say 'your own values' sounds like you're talking about religion or philosophy. Like we're talking about whether there is life after death or something that is mysterious and up to speculation. 

Portraying the only character based on a historically and CURRENTLY oppressed race of people as dirty is not personal values. It's plain and simple offensive and has nothing to do with 'values'. I am still watching the show (quite like it so far) but I ask that you please educate yourself before blindly brushing off a very valid reason that people might take offense. 

No. Values of life are just Love, Compassion, Empathy, Responsibilities... These values,  some people care about them, some don't.  I was just saying our own values should not push us to interpret or speculate on the intention of a characters or a drama because we feel the need to find in these a way to defend and express our values in an fight we invent.  We should just follow and enjoy the drama for what it is.

In this drama the rasta asian guy looks tanned,  idiot and dirty and so what? Maybe the character likes UV tanning, he is idiot and dirty. Where does it says all the rasta people are like this? Where does he mock rasta people or black people or jamaican people? Where is the racism if you acknowledge he is just a character?  This is not some white guy or asian guy with blackface making jokes about black or jamaican people. This is not a white guy disguised in chinese traditional clothes and a mustache and imitating an asian accent. This is a character in a drama looking like plenty of people in life. There are hundreds and thousands of asian rasta and white rasta and others nonblack rasta in the world from SF to Tokyo and Wellington and some are more stupid and dirty than this character I bet. Do they end in jail for being abusing and offensive? If you meet them, are going to call them racists? Good luck to you.

There is no racism in there as nowhere it promotes a vision where the rastafarians or black people or jamaicans are inferiors and neither does it  try to  create prejudice against them.  You just invented it in your SJW's brain. Your great education did not give you any common sense. This is what the elders mean when they say plenty of knowledge but can't think properly.


The way you say 'your own values' sounds like you're talking about religion or philosophy. Like we're talking about whether there is life after death or something that is mysterious and up to speculation. 

Portraying the only character based on a historically and CURRENTLY oppressed race of people as dirty is not personal values. It's plain and simple offensive and has nothing to do with 'values'. I am still watching the show (quite like it so far) but I ask that you please educate yourself before blindly brushing off a very valid reason that people might take offense. 

I guess You decide to ignore the fact how some people are calling whites, asians, indians etc. even some particular countries in europe. Also ignore the fact how white people are killed in some part of Africa because of their race and their farm are burned (and it wasn't called racist, because along the way few blacks also lost farms). At some point of history, same as in current point of time You can find some form of oppression on literally every race in some cases. Focusing just on 1 race instead of problem as a whole is just silly and cause more division then solution. Same as nitpicking fragments and looking for excuse to call something "racist" , "sexist" etc....wondering when white plates on table will be called "white privilege" and dark shoes "racist" cause we step on them.