So... its pretty simple. This thread is for those people, who think that they have amazing / great / cool / interesting / funny profile. and they want people to know it :) (You dont have to post only your profile, but also others, that you like). I am one of them..... So please, check-out my profile ^_^ (that is very self-centered, i know :D but ive spent like two days making it, so i want people to see it too :D)

Hi There! -^_^- Nice profile, I think I have a pretty good one too
and people should definitely check it out.
Zombie_Girl wrote:
Hi There! -^_^- Nice profile, I think I have a pretty good one too
and people should definitely check it out.

OMG... I LOVE your pictures ^_^ they are sooo cute :)
loool love BPetra's profile!! :D mines nothing compared to that haha
I'm trying to spiffy mine but it'll be a slow process. This will be it for now. XD I will try to make it loads better later when college isn't sucking my life D:
Just spent an hour making mine better :D I think it's cool but doesn't really compare to some of the others.

I like nekoblah's profile and I've always really admired Beca256's profile :P

BPetra yours is cool too!!!
and when I say "doesn't really compare to some of the others." I mean looks like utter crap :P hahahaha people on here have AWESOME profiles I am jealous
BPetra wrote: OMG... I LOVE your pictures ^_^ they are sooo cute :)

Thanks! :D I am gonna be making one for a friend too for when she gets back on friday. :P
I only just now added some color to mine....I might spiffy it up more later, it's pretty simple right now.
I'm proud of my profile ^^ and i like everyone's too :D
wow, impressive profiles. envy much!

darkangel662008 wrote: *walk out*

wait for me...
Jajaja yes, self-centered and everything, but I love love luuuv my profile :D I love updating it and I have a lot of fun while looking for GIFs and quotes :D
I am not familiar with many profiles but I just love CheerfulSoul's profile!
Decorations in profiles.. I'll be doing that soon..
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