2019 is coming to a close which means that the 2020 Watch Challenge will shortly be upon us.
We are looking for some creative individuals to help design badges and banners that challengers can add to their profiles. The more the merrier.

What we're looking for:
Super Easy, Easy, Medium, Hard, Extremely Hard, Merciless, Dauntless, Diabolical

2020 Watch Challenge Participant

Badge Sizes:

Banner Sizes:
1000x100px (max 400px high)

GIFS are fine.
Save as PNGs if you have a transparent background.

You can find the designs for 2019 here to get a better idea. You may choose to only design a single banner or badge, or really let your creativity flow and do multiple.

Do you still need help with badges/banners?

I've made those badges last year: 

hello! are you still searching for badges/banners? i could make some rectangle ones if you're interested :)