Omo! The scene with Ju Meok and actress Choi Gi-woo is pure genius! The entire episode is full of emotions and twists and turns, but I have never laughed so much at one scene as this one! Excellent writing and acting! 

Ju Meok's reaction when he saw her was so cute! I'm so glad the writers managed to get Choi Jiwoo on the show (•◡•) 

It took me a second to place her (luckily just saw her for the first time in Second 20s) and she was so gracious and kind to him.  His role has always been so comical in this drama with his constant reference to typical South Korean drama plot devices and role as translator of odd behavior that is unknown to his mates.   He was so sweet and starstruck when he met his idol and it just made the whole scene so indicative of Seri and how she has been transformed by all her experiences and new friends.  She truly has taken the time to know these men and tried her best to give them experiences that they can remember after they return to their post in North Korea.  It was such a great episode.