... and increasingly frustrated by HOW BADLY the drama sagged at the tail end after SUCH A ROLLER COASTER TIGHTLY KNIT BRILLIANT JOY RIDE.
The viewer was left bewildered, frustrated, ditched ..

What happened Director Yang Yang and Scriptwriter ???

There was ABSOLUTELY no need to have that other FL  play Heavenly Maiden (Song Yi Ren could have easily pulled off the other face of her .. after all, most times they were dressed differently).

It would have also :

- given Yi Ren a chance to display her acting chops

- powered up the Dylan - Song dynamic, watching him grapple with Sang Sang's 'other facet' persona, the viewer would have gotten an extra kick out of it. (JUST think .. two Yi Rens in two costumes with two manifestations of personality). I am getting a buzz just thinking of it.

NEXT ...

What the heck was going on with the HEAVENLY MAIDEN and SANG SANG having ascended to heaven CONCEPT .. the story just lost me ... Am looking for an explainer. The Drama did a TERRIBLE job making that part of the story clear.
