When my currently watching list begins to have more than 10 dramas

When I start looking for MLs that aren’t in the current drama I am watching! (Some are eerily similar in period garb!) 

When I start calling my cat Kitty Krub........


When you forget your bedding time as you keep focus on eps of drama 

That happens to me often. I want to watch just few minutes more... and suddenly it is 2am. :D

When you start to confuse character names in the wrong drama!

When you mix asian words to your native language. People don't understand, but it is fun. For example: answering any phone calls with "moshi moshi" :)

When you spend too much time on the feeds and MDL instead of watching dramas

When my reading list only consists of books I've already watched as dramas.

when I start re-watching dramas I've already watched!!

when I have dreams about the actors or dramas xD 

When I start to watch drama's during my working time (work at home)

when i am watching drama even during exam period

when I start re-watching dramas I've already watched!!!

When I am watching too many simultaneously and get them mixed up when commenting on them! My bad.

I watched a drama throughout the whole day until 5am, and i'm just sitting there thinking "what should i watch next?"