花束 in my ass

Back number -花束

memento mori in my ass

Earthists - memento mori

チューリップ in my ass

Inding la end -チューリップ

Moonrise in my ass

Moonrise - Lovelyz 

ice cream cake in my ass

Red velvet - Ice cream cake

Fuck the pain away in my ass.

Peaches - Fuck the pain away

This is embarrassing but I just opened my Spotify to see the last song I played and...

comethru in my ass

comethru - Jeremy Zucker

Daisy in my ass

Daisy - Strawberry Machine

Jump then fall in my ass

Jump then fall - Taylor Swift

Will in my ass


I know this isn’t an English song, but the title is in English and they basically sing this half the song so LOL.

I Don’t Understand But I Luv U In My Ass - SEVENTEEN

チューリップ in my ass

Inding la end -チューリップ