Depends on the work

I'm the type who always keeps my word.

Me, too.

I'm the type who sometimes gets so distracted by delicious-looking food in dramas that I have to go back to see what was happening.

Not me but mood lol

I’m the type who likes to experience everything 

Not me

I'm the type who wears earphones more than headphones 

don't use either

I'm the type who enjoys watching "gender bender" dramas from time to time (where a man pretends to be a woman, or a woman pretends to be a man)

I haven’t watched any of them yet because I can’t find one but I would love to haha

I’m the type to drink hot water in a hot day 

not deliberately

I'm the type who enjoys being around other people's well-behaved dogs but wouldn't want to own one.

Not me i love dogs

Im the type who would do anything for their family

Me too

Im the type who have a hard time following their own schedule 

me too

i'm the type to leave homework till the last minute

Not me

Im the type who feel more confident talking with someone who is new than those who isnt

Me too

I'm the type who likes looking at mountains and greenery when it's cloudy or rainy

me too

I'm the type who likes instant noodles.

Me, too

I'm the type who tends to cook the same things most of the time.

Not me

Im the type who hates clingy people