me too

I'm the type to read one book at time 

me too

I'm the type that even drinking coffee I sleep like a baby xD

Not me

Im the shy type

me too

I'm the type that sometimes pick book based on the cover

me too

I'm the type to listen a song on loop

me too 

I'm the type that  likes to memorize lyrics to sing together xD

me too 

i'm the type that is not very active in winters

Me too.

I'm the type to sleep all day, and stay up all night.

Not me ( I hate running in hot weather, so I do in cold)

I'm the type to want to imagine myself doing a cover of my fav songs

not me 

I'm the type that wakes up early even on holidays (i just can't sleep  in the morning, I do everything  and then I sleep at 11 am)

me too

I'm the type to watch my comfort, childhood movies when I'm sad 

me too

I'm the type that lose interest if a drama is too hyped 

Haha me too

I'm the type to not listen to a song if it's too famous, because I will get burnout

me too 

I'm the type that daydreams a lot 

Me too!

I'm the type to imagine my own stories, usually influenced by what I'm watching