me too 

I'm the type that keeps a diary/bullet journal 

me too

I'm the type that loves a sad ending.

not me

I'm the type that loves an angst/fluff drama 

not me 

I'm the type that wakes up early even on holidays

me too ._. 

I'm the tyoe that goes to sleep around midnight

me too

I'm the type that loves making friends on social media

me too (I'm not good at it though lol) 

I'm the type that still has twitter/x but doesn't use anymore 

me too

I'm the type that loves hamburger and french fries

me too

I'm the type that sometimes check the lenght of the drama before watching 

me too

I'm the type that loves to chill and watch my dramas all day

me too

I'm the type that doesn't read comments before starting a drama 

me too

I'm the type to listen a song on loop 

me too 

I'm the type that when I like a singer I check their other songs/discography

me too

I'm the type that sometimes pick book based on the cover

Me too

I'm the type to not hold grudges