not me 

I'm the type that forgive but not forget

me too 

I'm the type that sometimes check how many pages the book has

Me too

I'm the type to find all the bubble tea places in town

me too 

I'm the type that cry easily watching dramas 

me too 

I'm the type that doesn't drop dramas  (even when I'm not enjoying much lol)

Not me (I have the attention span of a puppy)

I'm the type that smiles a lot but has little to say

me too 

I'm the type that people that doesn't know me says that I'm quiet

Me too

I'm the type to reply to conversation someone else starts

me too

I'm the type that likes to sing out loud xD

not me (too lazy lol)

I'm the type that likes to imagine wild theories when I watch something 

me too (all the time and sometimes I apply this in real life situations lmao)

I'm the type to eat dessert right after the lunch/dinner 

me too always xD

I'm the type that loves listening to old music

me too 

I'm the type that likes to horror movies 

Not me

I'm the type that  likes to memorize lyrics to sing together xD