
I'm the type who would rather be alone than have bad friends (toxic or bad influence)


I'm the type who prefers being alone than going out at times


im the type that likes to have tea sometimes with cookies

Not me

I'm the type who has too many clothes at home xD


im the type that puts the laundry twice a week

Not Me 

I’m the type to watch multiple dramas at the same time because I will get bored while watching only one 


im the type that likes to multitask


I'm the type that skims through certain dramas


im the type that likes to see the rainbow after rain


I'm the type to eat apples with salt


I'm the type that watches a drama only if it has a 'happy' ending


im the type that is depressed

Not me (sorry to hear about that)

I'm the type who takes a *short* break from dramas every once in a while (like I don't watch a single episode for idk, 3 days...)

Me too :) But I also take long breaks (like months!).

I'm the type that has eyes bigger than my stomach! I get greedy but can't ever finish all the food I make/order, so lots of leftovers for breakfast  :P true

Im.the type of person who samples their own food while cooking