me too !

I'm the type to watch some clip with spoilers before start a new series

ehh. I don't like to ruin anything. Unless it is a crappy drama and I want to get it over with lol

I'm the type to not watch a drama if a certain actor/actress is in it 

me too! (with some exemptions)

I'm the type to be ready for studying, and then quit less than 5mins in,  just to carry on with a drama!

hmm, I'm older and don't *have* to study, but when I did have to study, I didn't let outside things stop me. But nowadays with dramas and all I'd probably say me too. :-)

ITTT get  my chores done daily before I watch dramas or movies.

sometimes lol

In the type to binge watch a drama 

me too! but not always so sometimes

ı'm type to not look at reviews or rating before start a series


Im.the type of person that likes to be alone

me too..

I'm the type of person that would rather push people away from my problems, than tell them everything (oof, that sounded pretty deep)

true. I am like that

I'm the type to of person that has to shower every day 


Im the type that gets so depressed if someone didnt reply their text

Me tooo :((

I'm the type of person that some days is super lazy and some days is super hardworking 


im the type that sleeps easily

me too!! lol, i couldn't get myself to be productive today

I'm the type of person that first goes and checks if the drama/movie i'm about to watch, has a happy ending


im the type that always wears a face mask outside


I'm the type that checks their phone as soon as they wake up