
I'm the shy type


I'm the type to always be hungry 

Me too

I'm the type that hates washing dishes

Me too!!

I'm the type that prefers apartments to houses.

Ohhh that is a hard one. Depends..

I'm the type to watch anime

Not me

I'm the type that helps my mum


I'm the type that finds myself unbelievably busy


I'm the type that is outspoken


I'm the type that just need a few minutes to myself 

Me too

I’m the type who takes time to eat food

ME TOO (omg I take forever to eat LOL)

I'm the type to have a lot of apps on my phone that I don't use

Me too lol need to declater hahaha

I’m the type that opens a lot of tabs at a time

Me toooooooooooooo

I'm the type that will say what I have to say 


I'm the type that has a lot more friends online than in real life 

Me too

I'm the type to have my lazy moments