It's not the kids from Honey I Shrunk the Kids, it's an hologram.
thats not a hologram its a zapper from Dr who
Thats not a zapper from doctor who thats a blastgun from Battlefield Earth
That's not a blastgun from Battlefield Earth, that's a mecha model.
That's not a mecha model, that's a cyborg.
That's not a cyborg, that's just Darth Vader.
That's not Darth Vader, that's a blob.
Thats not a blob thats killer clowns from outer space
That's not a killer clown from outer space, that's an Alien
That's not an Alien, that's a cosplay costume
That's not a cosplay, that's a character
that's not a character that's an otaku
Thats not an otaku thats an otoko
thats not an otoko its a shrimp
thats not a shrimp thats a crawdad