
WYR meet your favourite singer or actor

Can I say neither :") or give my opportunity to someone else since I probably can't handle that responsibility of meeting them (I would either literally start crying, full on sob mode or just stare creepily at them in shock without saying anything. I'm too awkward and anxious for this shit :") also I'm apparently bound to give such long tmi answers)


WYR have a dog or a cat as a pet?


WYR dance in public or broadcast your singing on any social media

Dance in public because I secretly already do that when I'm listening to music while walking my dog :') 


WYR be a wizard/witch/sorceress or a mermaid/merman?


Would you rather be a writer or a director 



WYR live on the moon or aboard a space ship


WYR write a novel or draw a comic?

Write a novel since I used to be a decent writer but I can't draw for shit. I truly wouldn't want to put people through that horrific experience that would be my art which you can't even call art at all 


WYR want a fictional character you love to come alive or be transported to the world of your favourite character

Transported to the world with my favourite character sounds so much fun

WYR eat an avacado sandwich or a banana sandwich

If the sandwhich could be banana bread then I would choose that one, otherwise neither since I have the taste of a 5 year old.


WYR be stuck on a deserted island all by yourself or be serving a sentence in prison?

All by myself

WYR be buried or cremated after you die

If my country just like Korea has those places where you can put your urn with your ashes then I would like to be cremated, but I do think cemeteries are cool. 


WYR be able to only ever eat your favourite food or never be able to eat your favourite food ever again (this either pnly eat your favourite food or eat anything but your favourite food) 

Only eat my favourite food

WYR get chased by a lion or a gorilla

Gorilla (I blame Disney's tarzan for this)


WYR be reborn in the past or future