Die quickly without pain

WYR, right now, start a new show or a movie ?

new show (just finished one, trying to decide)

WYR have subtitles for shows in your own language, or not

subtitles in my own language

WYR go mountain climbing or swim in the ocean

Mountain climbing 

wyr live in mars or earth 


WYR meet a vampire or werewolf

A vampire 

wyr move to a different country or not


WYR dance in public or broadcast your singing on any social media


wyr live in a city or forest 


WYR have super powers,or be rich


WYR drive a car or take public transportation


Wyr cook or go out to eat?

Go out to eat

wyr sleep early or sleep late 


WYR confess to someone knowing they might not feel the same way Or hide your feelings in fear of rejection

Confess TTwTT

Same question 

hide your feeling 

WYR hide under a rock or in a cave