Regular clothes :3

Wyr be immortal or mortal 


Wyr be rich but without friends or be poor/middle class but with alot of friends

Have a lot of friends

Wyr be a superhero without powers or with powers


WYR live near the mountains or near the beach/ coast

Near the mountains

Wyr be born royal in your next life or be born in a normal family 

normal family

WYR eat noodles or rice


Wyr travel with friends or alone 

With friends

WYR meet a pirate or meet a talking bear

Talking bear

Wyr read everybody's mind or grant people's wish 

Grant people wish

WYR wear only bright or light colors

Light colors

Wyr learn a new language or new hobby 

new language

WYR never wear clothes again or only wear fancy stuff (But it not be embarassing to go around naked)

Only wear fancy clothes 

wyr have facial  piercings or tattoos 


Wyr talk to animals or talk to plants

Talk to animals 

wyr not be able to hear or not be able to speak