
WYR have a last minute invitation, or several days in advance?

several days

wyr listen to classical music or rap


WYR be lazy at home or work out


WYR go bowling or play miniature golf?


WYR live in a house or an apartment


wyr live alone or have a roommate


WYR get bitten by a bear or  a monkey

monkey - a bear will hold you down with its weight and bite you until you're dead

WYR watch a comedy set in the present day, or in some historic time?

present day

wyr be a student or teacher?


wyr stucked in rainy place or in bamboo forest

Bamboo forest

WYR go to the beach or mountains


WYR drink milk or tea


WYR never listen to music again or never watch drama again

Umm.. that's the difficult one.. i think I'll go with never listen to music again.

Wyr watch the original drama  before watching the remake one or watch the remake one first.

original first, but sometimes I'm unaware that I'm watching a remake

WYR wait for some time before watching the same actors in a different romantic drama, or is it okay if the new role is somewhat different?