Without dramas

WYR walk naked in winter or with heavy clothes in summer

Naked in winter - people would take care of me soon enough.

WYR watch a popular drama while it's airing, or wait for all the episodes.


WYR eat savory or sweet food


WYR be able to talk to animals for your entire life or be able to lie and get away with the said lie for the rest of your life?

Get away with a lie, although I can't think of anything I'd need to lie about. As for animals: I already talk to them, they just don't respond.

WYR be your own gender, or the opposite gender?


WYR time travel to the past or future

Future because the past is in the past haha

Wyr not being able to recognise anyone’s face or waking up everyday in a stranger’s body


cotton sheets or polyester

Cotton sheets

WYR have tuna or sardine


WYR spend a day with your fav singer/bias in a group or spend a day with your fav actor/actress

observe singing group

WYR apply makeup for a living or cut hair for a living

Cut hair for a living

WYR be a cop or a lawyer

lawyer - MUCH easier

WYR be a newspaper reporter or a TV news reporter?

TV news reporter

WYR use headphones or earphones to listen to music


WYR read manga or watch anime