
WYR read e-book or paperback?

(depends on the situation) but I just like paperbacks better

WYR have a sword collection or a shoe collection (both worth the same)


WYR confess to someone knowing they might not feel the same way Or hide your feelings in fear of rejection?

confess my feelings otherwise I'll regret it

WYR be forced to sing along or dance to every single song you hear?


WYR time travel to the past or future


wyr sing in the shower or have a bath bomb soak?


at home, walk around in slippers or just socks


WYR go snow skiing or surfing


WYR go to the beach or mountain


for recreation: ride horse or mountain bike in fairly rough terrain


WYR earn not  that much but have full control of your own money or earn a lot but have someone else control your expenses 

not earn much

WYR watch a popular drama while it's airing, or wait for all the episodes.

i like to wait for all episodes

WYR wear jeans or leggings in summer


WYR sleep all day or be productive

Sleep all day (like I did today...)

Become a model for a week or become an actor/actress for a month?