not wearing makeup

WYR have an organized schedule that you follow strictly, or a schedule where most entries are suggestions of things you might do depending on your mood?

depending on your mood

WYR stay in an island or a desert for a month?

Beach cottage 

Wyr face a tarantula spider or scorpion (believe it or not I went throuh this irl )


WYR have an online lesson or in class?

depends on the weather ( cold = hot chocolate,  hot - cold coffee), but if you mean plain coffee without sugar or milk, then hot chocolate

spaghetti or macaroni


Class anytime 

 WYR be in having morning cup of coffee or coffeed out by the end of the day 

morning coffee

WYR choose cold coffee or hot chocolate? 

Hot chocolate

WYR live in a small house or big apartment?  

big apartment

WYR time travel to the past or future

Future (Like my username, I need clarity)

Wyr live without eating fish or chicken 

live without eating chicken

wyr forever only drink soda or juice 


WYR use escalator or elevator? 


between cities that are fairly close, WYR travel by train or plane