No internet 

Would you rather eat something sweet or eat something savory

savoury always

WYR go for a walk or run 


would you rather make more money or have a better relationship

make more money

wyr sleep in a tent or at a camp

we go camping with our friends annually and its a joke amongst my friend that i like glamping. So I would say at a camp.

WYR go camping near the beach or mountain


would you rather eat or sleep?


Would you rather eat Korean or Chinese food

growing as chinese, the answer is obv uhuhu

lighter or matches

neither I prefer strong black tea 

nutella or peanut butter 


WYR  sleep in a single or double bed?

double bed

WYR eat sashimi or beef tartare


wyr stop watching movies  or stop listening to music for a week

watching movies(I don't even watch them that much)

wyr froze to death or burned to death

Freeze to death

Wyr watch a movie in a theatre or watch a movie at home

at home

wyr sleep for 24hr or be awake for 24hr