Small city 

Wyr wake up early or sleep in late

Wake up early

WYR go to space or score backstage tickets to your favorite band's concert?

go to space

WYR  make your dreams come true or continue to dreaming ?

by a dog

WYR  Spinach or Lasagna ?

Favourite band

wyr sleep in a bed or the beach 


WYR go on a cruise or fly on an airplane? 


wyr be invited to a dinner for two with your favourite celebrity or win $ 100,000,=?

win the money

Would you rather sleep for 10 years without ageing or never be able to sleep again while still fully functioning as a human ?

Sleep for 10 years
Wyr Have the same drink for the rest of your life or have the same meal for the rest of your life


WYR get bitten by a wolf or a monkey?

Monkey ig lol

Wyr never watch a drama again or lose an eye?


WYR be in a forest or a never ending desert?

Forest all the way, I truly hate sand


Wyr be co-starring in a drama/movie with your favourite actress/actor or write, produce, and direct their next upcoming project


WYR wear the same socks forever or not wear socks at all

Wear the same socks forever

WYR be a superhero or a super villain