broken elevator 

wyr watch an action movie or rom-com


WYR live in a cold or hot country? 


WYR cook at home or go out to eat

California - I went to NY long time ago but haven't been to California yet 

WYR go on a cruise ship or hot balloon? 

On a cruise ship and preferable not that big xD

WYR  sleep short power naps or one lousy long sleep

long sleep

WYR pay at the till by cash or use the self checkout with card? 

Self checkout with card

WYR travel the world alone or travel in your own country with friends


Would you rather have your tongue pierced or have a shoulder tattoo?

Daytime hours

WYR pick back up all the dramas on your dropped list and finish them without speeding up/fast forwarding or take a break from watching dramas? 

Take a break from watching dramas 

WYR only be able to eat breakfast or only be able to eat dinner?

Traditional pet
Dog or Cat

WYR be the youngest or oldest sibling?


WYR live in the city or countryside?