Dark, just go to sleep for most of it

WYR watch a drama genre you hate exclusively for a couple weeks or take a break from watching dramas? 

Not warm enough

WYR be stuck on a broken ski lift or in a broken elevator?


WYR be good at singing or dancing 


WYR live in a cold or hot country

Cold country

WYR only have a few amount of friends, but super close or many friends who aren't as close?

take revenge

WYR cook at home or go out to eat 

go out to eat 

WYR go to a amusement park or water park

Amusement park

WYR go to the zoo or aquarium? 

Tote bag

WYR go on a cruise ship or hot balloon?

hot balloon

wyr never listen to music or never watch tv


WYR pay at the till by cash or use the self checkout with card?

self  checkout with card

wyr never die or die really young ?