Fen - a low and marshy or frequently flooded area of land

Gamut - The whole range or scope, the entire range or extent

hadeharia - constant use of the word “hell”

Jactitation - the restless tossing of the body in illness.
the twitching of a limb or muscle.


confusion; uproar.
  • a hangover; a severe headache resulting from a hangover.

livedo - pathological blueness of skin

Mien - a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood.

Neophilia -  love of or enthusiasm for what is new or novel

Oodles - a very great quantity

Palid (adj): lacking color or liveliness


An old term from Roman law for an informer, or for someone paid to attack someone else in court. 

No one is quite sure where this meaning comes from, given that a quadruplator is literally someone who increases something fourfold, but it’s been suggested that there might once have been a four-part punishment for those involved.

Repose (n): relaxation; leisure; calmness or tranquility

Ex. Mike finds his repose on weekends going on long hikes. 

Saki  - A  South American monkey.

turpitude (n): depraivity, wickedness

"The fantasy role-playing game was, in the ’80s, considered by some as a ploy conceived by Satan to arouse moral turpitude. "