Chirology - study of the hands.

Emulate - match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation

Floccinaucinihilipilification - setting at little or no value.   

hypocritical - professing feelings or virtues one does not have

Jactitate - To jactitate is to toss around restlessly.

livedo - pathological blueness of skin

Malfeasance - Doing an evil thing/ commiting a crime (esp. officials)

Omophagy - eating of raw flesh as a ritual observance

Pell-Mell,    in a confused, rushed, or disorderly manner, recklessly hasty or disorganized; headlong,

                          a state of affairs or collection of things characterized by haste or confusion.

Qiviut - the wool of the undercoat of the musk ox