Yobbo -  (British) lout, yokel; hoodlum

Zeitgeist - the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.
"the story captured the zeitgeist of the late 1960s"

Anthomaniac - is someone with an  extreme fondness for flowers.

BAFFLEGAB-argon-filled talk that sets out to clarify something but ends up only confusing things 

Cerulean - deep blue in color like a clear sky.

Dearth - a scarcity or lack of something.
"there is a dearth of evidence"

erotetic - engaging in or pertaining to rhetorical questioning

Fain - happy; inclined; pleased

Gyre - a circular pattern of currents in an ocean basin

Hackneyed - Unoriginal and dull, made trite by overuse

Intercalate - insert (something) between layers in a crystal lattice, geological formation, or other structure.

Jacquard - intricately-woven variegated fabric; loom for making jacquard

K Rations -  an individual daily combat food ration which was introduced by the US Army during World War II, a packaged daily ration for issue to airborne troops, tank crews, motorcycle couriers, and other mobile forces for short durations.

lauricomous: having hair like bay-leaves

Mien - a person's look or manner, especially one of a particular kind indicating their character or mood