The person above is eating a whale as we speak. Her super fast metabolism requires her to eat one a day to survive
The person above me is a cannibal and eats humans for breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner!
the person above is committed to a private hospital for his/her vivid imagination
The person above me is another patient who has been admitted and is currently undergoing tests for their WILD imagination!!
the person above me can read your minds through her avatar
The person above me is actually the queen
The person above me is actually the queen mother
The person above me a the prince who is next in line for the throne!
the person above me just killed the prince … hurry catch her
The person above me was an accomplice in the murder...catch her too!!
the person above me mistake me for dead and will be caught by me the prince
The prince will obey me his grandmother and will forget the crime committed by me the queen mother
the person above me is playing right into plans to finally be rid of her and take over the throne
The person above me knows that I cannot be queen and so decides to kill the queen and take over the throne forcefully!!
the person above me is actually mobilizing her army to fight against a possible rebellion