the person above those know what to say but saying' I love you guys' is a bit embarassing
what lol the person above me losing his mind thinking I will say those paragraph. I think he is the one who want to say it but embarrass to do so.. now say it dont be shy lol
The person 2 above me is loving the comments above them because they enjoy being told that someone loves them! Having said that the person above has a head that is getting bigger and bigger causing them to float in the clouds. If their head gets any bigger it will explode. Someone please help!!
the person above me is actually a turkey all be it a well trained one. And yes I love you guys but i'm not embarrased. I told you I'm always in love
The person above me is a chicken always clucking away and telling people that they are always in love!!
LOL shambles.. the person above me is in love w[me] chicken lol
The person above me is so sleepy that no one understands what she is trying to say
LOL the person above me is crazy right now and need to wear the straight jacket to stop her from acting weird lol
The person above me needs to be locked up because she is a danger to society
The person above me is the one that locks me in the looney bin
The person above me loves the looney bin so much that they decided to call it HOME
the person above me is so crazy she thinks she is insane
The person above me looks in the mirror everyday and says 'hi're looking insane today'
I give up.. im going to sit on my looney bin for a moment you guys rocks my world
The person above me has totally lost it and is now being sectioned as she has been classed a danger to the public