the person above me is not wearing her protection against fire amulet and is about to fall victim to a level 4 attack from my mage
The person above me has a mage !
The person above me isn't real !
The person above me has more than one personnality...and one of them is a cat !
The person above me loves cats....with fries and ketshup
OMG ewww The person above me is a serial cat killer
The person above me has had 600 therapists...who all commited suicide !
The person above me is very jealous of my therapists and she is secreatly in love with me.
Juniko wrote: The person above me has had 600 therapists...who all commited suicide !

LOl I think we have a winer

the person above me have done a lot of plastic surgeries just to look like me!
The person above me, and the person above that person, are all insanely dellusional
the person above me think suicide is something to be jealous of
the person above me is a ferret
the person above me eat ferrets
the person above me is anti-ferret
the person above me thinks mankind came from ferrets