9. Night (vampire) -  Red wine in the Dark Night

10. Gun (alien) - Love from Outta Space

10 characters with unnatural hair colors

1.  Simon (neon green hair) - Project S: Skate Our Souls

2. Sakurai Hiroki (white) - Sky of Love

(Is this count? or is it have to be a color besides black, brown, blonde, and white?)


2. Sakurai Hiroki (white) - Sky of Love

(Is this count? or is it have to be a color besides black, brown, blonde, and white?)

That counts. Pretty much any colour beside black, blonde, and brown!

4. Luni ( A mix of gray, blue and purple) - One Fine Week 2

5. Fern (pinkish purple) - Project S: Skate Our Souls

7. Asin (green ends) - Discipline Z: Vampire

8. Jay (pink roots) - Discipline Z: Vampire

9. Jung Daeun/Kim Byul (black and white)- One Fine Week

10.  Hwang Jae Min (orange) - Clean with a Passion For Now

10 female characters who are orphans

1. Jin Seon Mi / Sam Jang - A Korean Odyssey
2. Han Jae Yi / Gil Nak Won - Come and Hug Me

3. Han Seo Woo - A Piece of Your Mind

4. Ji Eun Tak - Goblin

5. Lee Yun Seo - Angel's Last Mission: Love

6. Goo Ra Ra - Do do sol sol la la sol