BONUS: Bad Buddy - Pran hugging Pat's doll. Not a stuffed animal so here as a bonus.

10. The Miracle of Teddy Bear - can't explain due to spoilers; here is a photo.

10 dramas you like to rewatch particular scenes from. Eg.

1. Pinocchio - I like to skip most of it and just rewatch the scenes where the ML tells his 'boss' who he is, the two tv companies at dinner in the same dining hall and the ML get's one-up on the other side... I do rewatch almost the whole thing at times, but sometimes I just want the quick dopamine hit from those particular scenes.

2. Player - I like to rewatch the episode in which FL reunited with her previous boss as the girl she tried to save betrayed her.  And then all three MLs worked together to rescue her because she was like a little sister to them.  I have tears in my eyes when ML says that he came for his little sister who ran away from home

3. 2 Moons 2 - I rewatched the entire show once, but after that I stuck to rewatching mostly Forth and Beam's scenes together and maybe some of Ming and Kit

4.A Love To Kill - i have watched multiple times the first kiss scene.

5. Taikan Yoho – the hottest bl kisses ever plus I love drunken Yoh ❤️