For the Staff: I want to let you know that in Block #14, first route, there is only the link to the field in both options. You need the link to the cliff one.

Also I am a bit confused about the format as well. I am doing the Elephant Black hole.  You go through each 25 blocks once, then you are done? Or do you finish each block once, then start over again (with the never-ending cycle you said)? I just need a bit of clarification on that. Thanks so much for making this fun. Happy New Year

Alright! Thank you!

A few questions:
Are rewatches and/or titles started before 2023 allowed?
"Titles with colors in the name": Can that include the actual word "color"?

 Xiao Zi:

This's correct, right Shiro?

Basically yes just don't forget that you have to complete 7 in the international one to go to the next level  

Yes- collect 5 essentials each for one table 1 title per line, complete the 25 tables, you will complete plain elephant level,

collect 25  essentials each for one table 5 title per line, complete the 24 tables with 5 essentials each , the international one has 7 lines if  24 tables have 5 titles  per line = 25 in each and the last table has 7 lines it is enough to have 5 in 5 of those lines and 4 in 2 of those lines  to will complete plain elephant level,

So Just don't forget that the internet one has 7 that must be completed to count the whole stage as completed 


A few questions:
Are rewatches and/or titles started before 2023 allowed?
"Titles with colors in the name": Can that include the actual word "color"?

Rewatches yes, titles started before January 1st if you rewatch the episodes you watched in 2022 yes otherwise no  


A few questions:
Are rewatches and/or titles started before 2023 allowed?
"Titles with colors in the name": Can that include the actual word "color"?

Sure the word color is ok. 

For 8/1, it says add a link to the page. Am I supposed to add a link to the drama I chose on my recommendations or my recommendations page link (which I don't know if it's possible)

Another question. In the 9th block, it says "Award winning or by the same writer of your favorites". If I were to pick Award winning, can I choose any award categories? 


For 8/1, it says add a link to the page. Am I supposed to add a link to the drama I chose on my recommendations or my recommendations page link (which I don't know if it's possible)

Oh it is meant to be your recommendation page. But you are right it doesn't actually work we never thought of that so we go by trust here ;) 

Ah okay! Alright


For the Staff: I want to let you know that in Block #14, first route, there is only the link to the field in both options. You need the link to the cliff one.

Also I am a bit confused about the format as well. I am doing the Elephant Black hole.  You go through each 25 blocks once, then you are done? Or do you finish each block once, then start over again (with the never-ending cycle you said)? I just need a bit of clarification on that. Thanks so much for making this fun. Happy New Year

Ok I will fix it once I get to my computer thanks for telling us  ❤️ 

The point is to make it never ending... so Plains Elephant is the whole thing (or a bit more than half) once, Forest Elephant is twice, I think Elephant Black Hole is 5 times 

 MDL Watch Challenge 2023:
Essential:  This would mean a habitat consists of 5 main essential  conditions:  Food, Space, Food, Shelter, and a Mate. Some would also include weather conditions among these. Essentials  seemed to fit the task best, but we did have other ideas along the way.

You wrote Food twice.


You wrote Food twice.

It's supposed to be water :) adding it to my list of things to correct... 


It's supposed to be water :) adding it to my list of things to correct... 

Happens. :)

I'm a bit confused. I don't quite understand the levels? How does it work? 

What I understood so far is that we can pick one from each choice and complete a habitat. Or we can do both choices. Exception is the country habitat where we don't have a choice. We can use treats as replacements for any habitat but not the country one.

1. But what does the table mean? 

2. Where is the explanation for the various elephants and tiger badges?

EDIT: I just reread the post. I get it now. The animals are based on the number of blocks/habitats completed. Right?

3. How do you run a circuit? Do I first pick one from each where a choice is available for all 25 blocks then for the 2nd circuit I complete the ones I didn't choose in the first go? What about the other levels? Mountain, Space and Black Hole?

EDIT: Mainly I'm wondering about the order and why the circuit is called limitless.

4. Can I complete some blocks/habitats with both choices complete, some single and others none? Or it has to be one of each at least? And how would I know what animal I'm at if for example I did both choices in 1 habitat (10 titles) and 2 habitats of 5 each and nothing of the rest?

Sorry for so many questions about the same thing. I guess the instructions just went above my head but I'm in the process of rereading everything. :P

Ok so to make it simple ....first let's concentrate on first stage ... that is plain ... You start from first lvl from crow to all the way to elephant ...for reaching that part are clearing blocks ...when you will reach the end of elephant plains have covered 25 blocks ...with 5 each in 24 and 7 in last one total 127 titles ... That's how you have achieved the elephant in plain and a tiger badge given you didn't use a treat

After this decide you want mountain....that is our next stage you basically have to play the whole game again's like game has refreshed and you will start from lvl 1 again ....but the only condition here is you can't use any of 127 titles you have already utilised in "Plain Stage" 

So again you want to go to the end of elephant .... You will again complete 127 titles .... 

Now combining both stage you have 127+127 = 254 

If you go like this and play all five stages ... You will end up 127x5 = 635 titles

You will reach the final level of elephant black hole ....which i personally feel is impossible to achieve but somehow you get to it and want more...we can arrange for that too

I hope this explanation helps 

Hello! First Happy New Year everyone! And congratulations on the new challenge, I love it! 

I would like to know if there isn't some trick to be able to copy the tables and keep the format so that the challenge looks good? If someone knows how to do it, could you teach us, please!! Thank you!