I suspect the show's creators didn't consider a vote with Phai in it because having him in the vote places Thanu at the center of the voting choices, instead of Wayu.   Plus, the big plot cliffhanger at the end of season 1 was the setup for the vote and it involved Thanu, Wayu and Pha.  

If Wayu, Phai and Thanu were in a poll, it would have been somewhat of a closer tally, but Wayu still would have been the clear winner.  Bas has a very ample fan base who were ecstatic for Bas to have a CP with Dun and were very driven voters.  And there is some conjecture that most of the voters who were Phai/Thanu shippers voted for Pha, since if Pha had won, Thanu would have been free to pair with Phai.  Who knows?

And I have no real idea how much back and forth between Wayu, Thanu and Phai the plot for season 2 will involve.  Usually I can guess pretty accurately.  But this time I am stumped.  Though I don't suspect it's going to be a matter of breaking Wayu's heart and going onto be with Phai, then choosing Wayu again in the end.   I agree that would be super messy.

But I don't feel like the writers dug themselves a hole and are dropping the Phai storyline because of that.  The story the screenplay was adapted from was quite incomplete, but the setup for the love triangle was there.  I think the direction of the plot so far indicates that Thanu's visions with Phai aren't the kind of events that are set in stone for them.  Wayu has an equal kind of destiny with Thanu that predates Thanu even meeting Phai and I suspect the show's creators are building on the idea that their love is the one that is actually "meant to be".

Though I expect at least some version of certain events from Phai's visions will still play out.  Because I figure the visions themselves might be a bit misleading.

Either way I am looking forward to Wayu and Thanu clearing things up between them.

I am just as eager to see Phai chew Sandee out for causing drama between Thanu and Wayu.  Because Phai was giving Sandee some real side-eye in episode 1 this week.  I think he knows Sandee is pulling divisive crap.  And Phai isn't about to put up with Sandee hurting Wayu or Thanu.

I don't really care about the vote.  Since I liked the writing and I LOVE Wayu and Thanu together, it's all the same to me.  

They could have used a damn magic 8 ball and I would have felt just as invested.  


I don't really care about the vote.  Since I liked the writing and I LOVE Wayu and Thanu together, it's all the same to me.  

They could have used a damn magic 8 ball and I would have felt just as invested.  

SAME. I knew nothing about the votes prior to watching the series. I actually didn't know it was based off of a novel/comic either.

If I could have voted for Thanu/Wayu, I would have.  *Shrugs*  Who cares how they arrived at the pairing?  We're enjoying it.  

The pairing is being served some hater-aid in the comments, but overall I think the pairing is well received.

The problem isn't that Wayu whines, cries, or mopes too much, but why he does. Pha hurt him, fine, totally legitimate. But some time has passed and he's still uncertain. This character was written so poorly that they NEED to create drama, any emotional drama to pull at him and create a love triangle that doesn't even exist. Everyone has given him the green light to move on from Pha, including Pha himself, but he is holding himself back

First and foremost, you're totally allowed to have these thoughts and feelings, so I'm not trying to argue or nothing like that. I think you've pointed out some interesting criticisms and I just wanted to respond to a couple of points.

Personally, I think Wayu and Thanu do have *some* personality- definitely not a whole lot though. I mentioned in my other post that I do wish these were elaborated on. For instance, the fact that Wayu chose to stand up against Padbok alongside little moments where he's being a little snarky. It goes against the presumed Princely personality that a lot people think he only has. Adding to that, traits to add up to personality, but I can see where you're coming from. As for Thanu, I definitely feel like his is possibly mostly hidden. As you've stated, he's done some very sus things, like betraying his friends (I don't think Padbok's actor is going to be in S2 so I REALLY hope they were able to continue on with this idea). Kind of similar to Sandee, but Sandee's are starting to show. But yeah, that's just my two cents.

Now with what I've quoted above: I know that I a lot of people would see it this way because they think it's easy to move on from a relationship. I mean, it can be! Especially if there really wasn't anything negative going before, during, and after the breakup. I used to be one of those types of people who would roll their eyes at others who'd "take too long" to get over it. I have two friends who are *still* reeling from their breakups: one was 1.5 years ago and the other was nearly *6* years ago. They can heavily affect people, especially those whose breakups were not as clean as you may think. Some things may seem minute and unimportant to a lot of people, but deeply impact others- you know, psychology and all of that.

The thing we need to remember is that we know way more than Wayu does about his own situation. Side note: but I'm pretty sure Wayu and Pok are the two characters that're the most  unaware of their situations and are having things purposefully kept away from them for various reasons. But anyway, Wayu didn't know for a long while that anything was going on behind his back. And he still doesn't know a bulk of it (why Pha randomly dumped him). All that confusion and distrust would cloud someone's judgement, and I firmly believe that's understandable. Personally, I don't see this as a way to create drama just for the sake of creating it; these types of actions and thought processes are very real. Sure, one could argue that some of the acting and/or filming does this part of the story injustice, but I don't believe it's the idea itself that does. Actually, I think them going down this route is more interesting than doing the usual "character gets their heart broken but it's almost immediately healed when they find someone who actually cares about them" route that I see so much. Not to say that route is bad or anything, but doing some a little different is refreshing in my eyes.

About the voting: from my understanding, Wayu's romantic storyline was incomplete prior to them purchasing the rights to make the series. On top of that, a lot of people began to ship Dun and Bas (Wayu and Thanu's actors) together. So rather than make the decision themselves, they allowed viewers to basically help them make the decision. I know that just about any other company would've just made the call themselves and had WayuThanu be endgame purely based off of how popular the actors' ship was and still is. I think what also complicated things was that the original actor for Pha didn't want to continue playing as him. Pha's character is currently on his 3rd actor, which really sucks. I think them trying to give this character a chance despite all of that is telling.

As for Wayu and Phai: I get why people would like Phai way more than Wayu *now*. However, prior to S2, people were hating on Wayu and not Phai even though they were both characters who had bad things happening to them when they themselves did nothing wrong. If Wayu continues to heavily suspect both Phai and Thanu even after what they've done/said so far, then yes I think that does deserve criticism on his character. Not to say that him doing so *isn't* understandable, but as we know, understanding and agreeing are not the same thing. And that's where both of their character begin to branch off from one another. But I was speaking on how they were observed previous to S2 and going into said season.

At the end of the day, regardless of what anyone says and what proof we put down, people are going to feel however they want about whatever they want, right? I don't care to persuade people on the internet (of all places) to follow my line of thinking. However, the reason why I do make posts like this is offer  alternative view points to those who may be confused about this story and aren't entirely sure how to think of it, or even those who are firm in their logic but might find what I and others say to be interesting. Maybe someone will read my posts and get a better understanding of some things. Maybe they won't. It's all good.

Whether Wayu is poorly developed( in some people's opinions) or not isn't probably as important as the fact that regardless of how anyone feels about him, he's the most developed character Gen Y has.  Everyone has their own idea of what makes a person interesting.  So I wouldn't question the complaints about Wayu being dull if he 1) wasn't the character with the most defined identity.  And 2) if he were the only sweet,  quiet guy.

Then I could just go "Oh, I see.  You just don't like quiet, sweet characters.  That's fair.  I get that.".  If he's boring to some watchers, I can only assume they also find Kalae, Phai and other characters even more boring.  But people seem attached to other similar characters with less actually known about them.  The inconsistency is telling.  It means Wayu is disliked for more personal reasons, which is fine too.  It doesn't affect my observations on the character's potential or depth in any way.  

As for sass, it doesn't equal good characterization.  But even if it did,  there are exactly two consistently sassy characters in Gen Y and it's Taojiao and Jigchow.   The only other sassy characters Gen Y has are Jack and Koh and they mainly sass each other.   Kit gets credited with being sassy.  But he isn't sassy, he's repressed and abrasively defensive and we have no context for why, other than it's just apparently his "personality".  Mark isn't sassy, he's a cute, dependable, everyday sort who gets a bit manic at times.   Pok isn't sassy. he's weirdly aggressive.  And Pok's proclivities were way too rape-like for me in season 1.  I didn't at all like his weirdly off kilter romance with Tong until like the very most recent episode.   Neither Phai, nor Yuki or Jill are sassy.  Klui sure as shit isn't.  And Saen Dee isn't sassy.  He's villainous.  He fucking evil-monologued last episode!  Maybe Padbok?  But he's not sassy, is he?  He's just angry.   The "sassy" characterization that some people seem to feel is missing from Wayu's is missing from nearly all the characters in Gen Y.  


A few of us have pointed out Wayu is kind of the magic prince character.  That has a native charm to it.   Gen Y isn't high drama.  It's melodrama.  All BL's are melodrama.  People don't go watching them for encyclopedic depth in any arena.  I'm personally watching Gen Y for what is referred to in film studies as "Emotional Realism".  And this piece is packed full of it.   Wayu specifically has everything needed for the audience to love him.  He's disarmingly cute.  He's noble of nature.  He's well reasoned.  He's smart.  He's brave.  He's generous and loyal.  He's hopeful, even in the face of poor odds.  He's capable of deep levels of commitment and love.  And he's apt to forgive more easily than most.  He's also very quietly funny.  Those traits are all evidenced in the plot, and all considered in almost any society to be positives.  It's more than enough fuel to fall in love with any character.  

Thanu I will agree needs fleshed out more.  But then the story is hardly done and the bones of a great character are already in place.  He's a "nice guy" who kind of got sucker punched with several situations at once and he didn't do a perfect job of managing them initially, but he got it right toward the end of season 1.  There Thanu was, trying to restart his academic career and he sees this kid in the distance who hits his "I like twinks" button.  Hey, no shame. Twinks are a thing and they've gotta get love too.   So he's experiencing attraction to someone for the first time since that one cute boy he caught falling off the bleachers over a year prior.   Then Pha grabs Thanu and essentially goes "Yeah, so funny story.  I fucked Kit over last week.  Can you apologize for me?  Oh, and take care of Wayu for me, too."   Like a big bro Thanu decides to do both.   Then he catches feelings for Wayu, which he had already been doing gradually anyway.  When he actually meets the boy he had the passing attraction to, weird supernatural shit happens.   So the guy who is essentially a late bloomer when it comes to dating now has not one, but two sweet boys in his orbit, and he has to choose between them.  I actually love that Thanu took the time out to decide on which person he wanted.  It suggested the choice meant enough to him that he wanted to be sure.   So he's very serious with commitments.  He's also a protector by nature.  He's has a serious, earnest personality, and he's into archery.  He's an artist but has an analytical side (I feel you bro.  Me too)  His one hot button is hurting people he cares about.  And he's patient like almost no one is patient!  Thanu is an admirable character already.  And I think we're shortly going to get to tack "deeply romantic" onto his list of traits.

Bare bones, if you don't want to like Wayu and Thanu, that's fine.  Hate on them all you want.  Those of us that really enjoy the characters are very glad they get plenty of spotlight in season 2.    I was glad for the debate because it helped me find even more reasons I loved the two of them.

I would love to dissect your word bomb.  Really.   But all in all, it's probably not worth my time.  

If I took it on, most of my reply would require a rehash of points I've already addressed and wow that would be a waste of effort.  Much of your post simply ignores salient points I or others have made and dodges around them with inconsequential or poorly constructed rebuttals.  Some of it simply misdirects.  And some of it just makes no sense.   

However, I do thank you for the laughs I got reading it.  I can only assume you typed this after having... hmmm... Celebrated the New Year a bit?  Regardless, may I suggest you try paragraphs.  They help with coherency.  

And Decaf.  Definitely give Decaf a try.

Lastly, Wayu is a precious cinnamon roll too perfect and pure for this world.  He's a little unicorn who poops rainbows and his dandruff is fairy dust.   And Thanu is a close second.  

Roll with it.  It'll be okay.  

This is why I opted out of the 2 threads early on. I was here for the discussion on the character and why he was getting some negativity in the comments but then it started to feel too deep for a drama I don't even like. I initially raised the issue of sassy in the other thread as Wayo in 2 Moons was a little more sassy than Wayu here. I'm glad he's doing more in episode 2 but this thread started before episode 2 so maybe there is more to the character now.

 Literally we are all allowed to have different opinions on the characters without the aggression or being misaligned. It has turned what could have been a positive conversation negative. I enjoyed the OP.  This has now turned into a school debate competition.

I don't care too much about the voting but hope they work on the script and actual story telling which, with the characters they have so far, is a big ask but, not impossible.  

My other point is that with the breadth of good BLs in 2021 it's difficult to go back to stories or characters that feel flat. 

Tis_I my comment was not directed at your earlier post to be fair. I had opted out of the discussion earlier than when you joined in as I found the aggression unnecessary. Hope that clarifies .

I think the OP by JayDeeJay  (which is the other one on Wayu needing a man) was a fair question which we both responded to and then got derailed.  The question of the vote and how that has affected the script was also interesting initially.

 It has been confused by there being two threads running concurrently. 

I don't get the aggression.  If you like Wayu, fine, come here and expand on the OP's post.  If you hate Wayu, take a pass.  The negativity that people brought who don't like the show or character was uncalled for.   If you hate something about Gen y 2, start a thread of your own and discuss that there.