This is my Asian movie collection, over 820 Asian movies, Asian countries included are South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines, and Indonesia. Over 3.75 TB worth of Asian movies, over 300 Asian films are over 8 GB. I've seen only about 100-200 Asian movies. Their are so many movies with the same actor, like over 24 Jackie Chan movies, the actor with the most movies I have him in is Tony Leung Chiu-wai, I have about 39 movies with him in it, many of these movies are really hard to find and watch, I've downloaded so many movies because I love Asian Movies and Dramas but if you wondering why i've downloaded about 820 Asian films because every one i've download looks interesting and have good reviews so i'm like " This film looks interesting, looks and sounds good, i'm getting it ", also, downloaded many films with my favorite actors in it, and I have alot of favorite Asian actors, These are my Asian movie collection, films from 1948 to 2018, rate my collection and tell me what you think