I'd like to say I love them all, but it would be a half lie. While I got completely obsessed with a few Korean dramas and certainly will in the future, and had a Taiwanese phase too at some point, the ones I invariably go back to when I need to find back my... addiction balance, are Japanese dramas.
I know it sounds very odd from an Italian, but to me it's a little like going back home after a pigout on exotic land. Japanese dramas restore my good mood and my serenity. I agree with every word by Tampopo100, who beautifully summed up my thoughts on the issue. I can relate, as strange as it sounds.
Not only Japanese have a much wider variety in terms of genres, contents and direction styles, they are also... extra-ordinary, be it the delicate touch of family dramas or the over the top comedy of surreal characters.
I must also confess at always being a little provoked by whatever becomes too popular and submerges everything else like a tsunami. It's what happens with the Korean wave right now. I love Korean dramas and movies, but more often then not they seem to aim at indulging the viewers - and the profits - instead of creating original works of fiction for the sake of telling a story.
As for the looks, it's all a question of personal taste. Not something I wish to spend my time debating about.