jdrama was Kou Kou Kyoushi 2003 (so random) and for kdrama, I think it was Full House.
city hunter... i even watched it the nth time...
my first and favorite drama is "One Litre of tears"...... one of my friend is a k/j drama addict, so i just want to his room asking for new movies but he gave me "one litre of tear" and make a bet that u will not able to stop urself after seeing its 2 episodes.... :) i unfortunately i lost and it made me addict too.
Like a lot of people, first,when I was little, I watched anime.In high school,I began to read mangas and asian novels and I have been hooked since then to japanese authors.I really like asian movies (especially japanese's). One day, some years ago,I don't remember it well but I watched Mars (taiwanese drama) and It started with a kiss.Well,that was not really the best way to begin dramas. Mars is a masterpiece for me but the quality was crappy and ISWAK,well...a little weird to begin with. So I didn't watched anything else until I found I don't know how the japanese drama LIFE.And after that, a friend gave me Byakuyako and One litter of tears and I think this is how it actually really began! I watch dramas since something like march 2011.And I try to watch japanese, korean and taiwanese dramas. My drama list tell me that I have completed 70 dramas until now.
One day a friend recommended me the anime Great Teacher Onizuka and I searched the first episode in youtube. I clicked the first video I saw and I couldnt stop watching. It was the drama and I was curious cuz it was different from the American series I was used to. Since then I've been a drama lover. My first kdrama was My lovely Sam-soon and I loved it. About Taiwanese dramas well...I started with Miss No Good and I surprisingly watched it all. It's the only taiwanese drama i've seen, I don't think the efforts I made to watch Devil Beside You count as the second. o.o
Korean drama: Lovers in Paris (2004) Japanese drama: Hana Yori Dango (2005) Taiwanese: Meteor Garden (2001 but i watched it in 2004) Chinese Drama: Mischievous Princess (2005)
Japanese drama: Hana Yori Dango Korean Drama: Boys before Flowers ()()() ()()() (-(-(-.-)-)-)
My first drama was GTO but I watched it without knowing how it was called (I only watched it because it was the "film" version of the manga) the first drama I watched was then Hana Yori Dango (I was so obsessed with Hun Oguri, I couldn't stop watching dramas XD) My first Korean drama was "Wonderful life" really wonderful =)
Korean: Autumn Tale in 2006
Japanese: Yasha: 2005
Taiwanese: Meteor Garden 2005
I've only watched korean dramas. My first drama was one million roses-2003.@that time my boyfriend was in japan and would call me@the oddest hours.So I would flip through the channels trying to get tired and came across kbs-chicago and found the drama. I have been addicted ever since. This drama still remains one of my favorites.
My first drama was Boys over Flowers. It's a good K drama, but is greatly inferior to the Japanese version in terms of acting (as much as I love the man, Kim Hyun Joong can NOT act) and storyline. It's still a good show, especially when it comes to common K drama tropes. I hate the woman, but I loved watching how evil Gu Jun Pyo's mother was! Either way, that show is unwatchable to me now, but I would still recommend it to people curious about the pros and cons of most K dramas :)

I watched it with my sister because we were curious about the whole K wave phenomena. We like J Rock and V Kei, but seeing something foreign on the front page of YouTube (it was Super Junior's Bonamamamama) made us real curious.
The first drama I've ever seen was Heartstrings. It wasn't that great but special for me ^^
Korean drama: Playfull kiss ^^
My first drama was Hana Yori Dango. I remember that I started it few days before going abroad (where I wasn't able to have internet) and I couldn't finish it before leaving ! I was soooo frustrated back then, I even start watching an episode on the morning before leaving to the airport while my Mum was yelling at me XD
For me it was Hana Kimi the original Japanese one. ^^ Thats what got me into kdrama aswell :) Im so happy I found out about it because I also became a huge fan of Horikita Maki